Custom code in PowerBI Online Dashboard

 PowerBI dashboards are very powerful tools for the management team members. It can provide mobile friendly view from multiple reports and help drive decision making.

However there are always few things that can not be reported easily using PowerBI reports. You can easily find this data collated for you in another website and you might just want to show it on your dashboard.

For this kind of user story, dashboards provide a good option. You can show web content in dashboard, which allows you to add embedded code. Many websites and content provided give you iframe based embed code which can be easily used here. In the example below, I am showing how this can be done.

  1. Create a dashboard on PowerBI online service and then click on add tile 

  2. In the tiles settings page choose web content

  3. You will see an option for Embed code. 

  4. Insert the following code in the box. Set the other properties and Apply

This is how your final tile will look like:

You can use most of the basic HTML codes in this tile. But if you plan to use scripts or advanced HTML coding, you might be disappointed. I think for security reasons, Microsoft has limited the kind of HTML tags that can be used here.

Hope this article helps you create better dashboard.

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