Office 365 Video Migration to Microsoft Streams

Microsoft has decided to replace its existing Office 365 Video tool with Microsoft Stream.

Stream is a new video sharing platform in office 365. Office 365 Video will retire in 2021 so companies have option to automatically move the video to Stream. Plan the move or let go of all the existing videos.

Good news is that the migration of videos is supported by Microsoft so you don't need to put a lot of effort in migrating or buy expensive tools.

However, you can always benefit from some planning.

Here are some of things you can do as part of this migration.

  1. Clean your office 365 video channels by deleting any unwanted videos. Its a good opportunity to do away with those annoying videos which should not be part of your portal. You can get data of your videos using the script provided here. There preparation tool provided here gives you very good report which can be used for next few steps as well.
  2. Communicate with channel owners and contributor. Help them understand what the new tool is and provide them user manuals if required
  3. Microsoft Stream can be used to directly store teams recordings. Ensure that end users understand this if you are enabling this option
  4. There are few features that have not been redeveloped in Microsoft Streams, identify and publish them
  5. Create a policy of Microsoft Streams Usage
  6. Communicate to about the dates and impact. New tools can be very difficult to adapt to for some users. You will need to clarify any such user concerns beforehand
Microsoft suggests that the old video links will be automatically redirected to new location. This has worked for me when I did migration, even where the video's were embedded to websites. 

Here are some of the settings you should think about before migration.

Since these settings are considerably different from Office 365 videos, you should make sure you cover possible impact to your user base.

Here is how the migration process runs:

  1. On your Office365 video home page you can find a link for starting migration.
  2. If you dont see it, you can directly go to
  3. On this page follow the steps as shown below.
  4. Depending on the content size, this could take hours before the migration is complete.

You should review the list of potential issue at this point and test the migrated videos.

Once you have provided the date in the above screenshot, you will have video available on both the platform. This gives you time to review and fix any issue.

After the scheduled date, you will no longer be able to access Office365 video. All your video links will be redirected to MS Stream, however you can't access the video portal.

Also note that your channels in Video will become group in Stream so advise your users accordingly.

Hope this article helps you.

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